Brooklyn Internships and Service Learning

Brooklyn Internships and Service Learning

体验式学习为大学生提供了在未来职业生涯中取得成功所必需的技能和信息. Because of this, many of 澳门足彩app的课程提供和/或要求学生参加实习和服务学习经验. 这些机会也让我们的学生有能力真正沉浸在圣. Joseph’s five pillars: integrity, intellectual rigor, spiritual depth, social responsibility and service.

在我们的布鲁克林校区,体验式学习提供两种方式:课程或联合课程. 课程是指具有服务学习或应用学习要求的学分课程. Co-curricular refers to non-credit-bearing involvement.


Through internships, 学生有机会将他们在课堂上学到的知识应用到实际的工作环境中.


  • Bellevue Hospital
  • Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
  • Disney
  • Lord Cultural Resources
  • Turnstile Tours
  • NASA
  • Office of Food and Nutrition Services
  • Court 16
  • Barclays

Sambhav ShresthaSambhav Shrestha ’22 
Mathematics and Computer Science Major

“微软DS3完全符合我成为数据科学和机器学习领域研究人员的目标. the virtual experience was also great and really fun."

Service Learning

At the Brooklyn campus, 学生参与服务学习将他们的大学学习与社区服务联系起来, giving students the opportunity to reflect, communicate and grow. Through service learning, 学生们探索他们认同圣. Joseph's University.

Past service-learning trips include:

  • 去罗马尼亚和尼加拉瓜等需要帮助的地方进行环球旅行
  • Visiting the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Brentwood
  • Working with local social service agencies

Nicholas GangoneNicholas Gangone ’21
Business Major
Participated in Alternative Spring Break

“很多朋友和家人都问我放弃春假的原因. My answer to them was always the same: ‘I didn’t give up my spring break; I donated it to the heartbroken residents of Texas.“彼此分享希望是我们拥有的最重要的力量."

Frequently Asked Questions


体验式学习是包括应用学习等选项的主要领域. Applied learning is a form of experiential learning, 而是与学生将他们在课堂上学到的知识应用到适当的现实世界环境有关. 实习和学生教学等课程都包含在这一特定领域.


Most of the academic departments at 澳门足彩app要求某种形式的体验式学习. 这可以通过适用于体验式学习课程或服务学习领域的课程来实现, or applied learning, which include internships.


学术实习是经批准的在各自院系进行的课程. Departments will determine minimum hours of engagement, 是基于纽约州的教育要求吗, external accrediting agencies and best practices. 许多学科都有非常具体的指导方针和要求.

Who creates the schedule for an internship?


What kinds of courses require service learning?

服务学习课程将课程的理论与某种形式的服务联系起来(通常是解决社会问题)。, which takes place outside of the classroom. 在课堂之外至少需要15小时的服务. 在大多数情况下,项目要么包括整个班级,要么是一个小组的努力. To this end, 课程将有三分之二的时间在教室上课, 三分之一的时间在教室外的另一个地方. There are some variations to this, 特别是如果这门课程包含春假或出国留学的内容.




职业准备和专业发展办公室提供了许多支持体验式学习的资源. As a support to academic departments and students, 职业准备和专业发展办公室的工作人员通过书面和批准的方式帮助学生为实习做好准备, creating cover letters, 面试的艺术和专业性. In addition to academic credit-bearing opportunities, 职业准备和专业发展办公室也为学生提供有关高质量实习的信息. Although not credit-bearing, 这些机会将增强学生的体验式学习,并将他们在课堂上学到的知识应用于现实世界的能力. 因此,学生可以通过无数的优质机构参与多种体验. 该公司使用Handshake,并有一个招聘板,其中包括其他实习网站.

Visit the 布鲁克林职业准备和专业发展办公室 page for more information.

Rachel RochaRachel Rocha ’21

“作为一名热爱体育的女性,没有比麦迪逊广场花园更好的实习场所了. Through my experiences here working with the Knicks PR, 增强了对行业内日常操作和任务的了解, and I am confident for a future career in sports.”

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